You have a plethora of animals choose from when you want a pet. You could have a reptile or fish, a small rodent, or a cat. But, if you want a pet to be faithful and your best friend, the dog is the way to go. The following article offers great tips on how to take good care of your dog after bringing him home.

Hugging is okay but kissing should be avoided. Kisses seem nice, but dogs have very dirty mouths. They eat garbage or poop and even sniff other dog’s butts. There is a belief that the mouth of a dog is cleaner than that of a human. This couldn’t be farther from the truth.

TIP! Your dog speaks to you, but it is through non-verbal cues. Your job is to learn to listen carefully so you understand the message.

Have your dog spayed or neutered. Research has proven that this can reduce your dog’s risk of cancer and make them healthier in general. They are also more likely to remain close to home, reducing their risk of becoming lost or getting injured by a car or another animal.

If you are going to taking your dog on vacation, take a pic of him on your phone. You’ll be prepared to take effective action in case your pet gets lost. You can use your recent photo to illustrate just what your dog looks like as well as to print up flyers, if necessary.

Don’t let your dog out of your property without wearing a leash, regardless of how well he behaves. He could easily get spooked by something and run off into harm’s way. It is your job to keep your dog safe, and to keep him from harming anyone else or causing anyone problems.

TIP! When you take your dog with you on vacation, take a picture and save it to your phone. This allows you to have a photo of him if he gets lost.

Make use of hand signals when training your dog versus relying only on verbal commands. It may be easier for your dog to learn commands if they see a visual signal. Try each way to see what works well with your dog.

You don’t want to buy the bargain dog food. Less expensive dog foods include fillers and additives that are not beneficial to your dog’s health. Check out professional recommendations from groups online. Your dog will enjoy and benefit much more from healthier food.

Try giving the dog rawhide versus actual meat bones. Real bones can chip or break and are dangerous for the dog. Rawhide is proven healthy and great for teeth as well, but don’t be tempted to share that T-bone, no matter what kind of eyes your dog gives you.

TIP! When you begin training your pup, start in your yard or home. You shouldn’t train your dog where many other people are present.

If your dog will be outside, he will need a dog house. Your dog could get sick if he is left outside in the cold or if the ground is wet. Keep your dog safe by giving him shelter.

Make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise. Exercise keeps your dog healthy, both physically and mentally. Even the smallest amount of exercise, such as throwing a ball, will be good for your pup and you. Besides just getting some exercise, you’ll be creating a bond between you and your dog.

Take the time to train your dog on a leash. He ought to be next to you rather than ahead or behind. He should also respond to the “heel” command. That way, your dog is safe and the walks are better for you as well. Even if you’re using loose leashes for walking here and there, make sure the dog understands this command.

TIP! Talk to your vet about which foods you should be feeding your dog. Sometimes, your puppy may not be developed enough to consume certain brands, as this can lead to an upset stomach or sicknesses.

Your dog needs attention and shouldn’t be left alone outdoors all day. Many people do this, but dogs need interactions with others. If you have a single dog, it may feel lonely outside on its own. Plan on bringing your dog inside when the weather is rainy, snowy, very hot, or very cold.

If you want a pure bred dog, do not discount the pound as a place to find him. Lots of dog owners will leave their dog stranded whenever they don’t want it anymore. Simply call your pound and see what they have. This could help you save the life of a dog.

Make sure you are providing your dog with the opportunity for plenty of physical exercise as well as staying mentally active. By teaching your dog tricks that he can do around the house, such as grabbing the newspaper, you’ll be keeping your dog mentally stimulated. He will always feel useful and a part of the family, while the constant reinforcement of training will keep his thinking skills sharp.

TIP! Brushing your dog daily will do more than keep them from shedding all over your home. Brushing daily can ensure your dog’s coat is shiny and healthy looking.

Taking care of a dog is no small task, but you’re now equipped with the right information to take care of him correctly. Make sure you are always expanding your knowledge into healthy dog care. Not only will it be an enjoyable way to pass time, but you’ll be able to effectively care for your pet.

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