Do you currently own a dog or have you owned one in the past? That means you know how great it is to have your own dog. But, like most other areas in life, dog ownership can be more rewarding when you are properly educated. You will find plenty of excellent advice about owning a dog in this article.
Make your home dog-proof. This should be done before the dog shows up at your home. Secure the trash can, stow way all medications and put away your regular cleaning supplies. Make sure no toxic plants are in the vicinity of your dogs.
Give your dog hugs, but don’t kiss him. Dogs lick dirty things you don’t even want to think about. Dogs love to dig in garbage, get into the toilet, and then they lick their butts, yuck! Many people believe that dogs’ mouths do not have as much germs as humans’ mouths. Definitely do not believe that!
Verbal Cues
Your dog speaks to you, but it is through non-verbal cues. Your job is to learn to listen carefully so you understand the message. If your pet hesitates when approaching a person or a pet, don’t push them to go near them. This might lead to a bite to another dog or even to a person. Look for your dog’s non verbal cues and react accordingly.
It’s a great idea to keep a snap-shot of your dog handy (a digital pic on your phone is ideal) whenever you’re traveling with him. If the worst happens and your pet gets lost, you have a current picture that you can show others or use to make “lost” posters.
Speak with your vet to determine whether or not certain foods are okay to give to your dog. Puppies may lack the development needed to tolerate certain kinds of food without getting sick. Always exercise caution when it comes to your animal’s food.
Your lifestyle can help determine what dog breed is a good match for you. If you jog a lot, buy a dog that likes to run, and not something like a toy poodle. If you are more of a homebody, a smaller, less active dog who enjoying being pampered is the better choice. Keeping a mismatch out of play makes both of you happy.
Don’t buy your dog cheap dog food. The cheaper brands actually contain a lot of preservatives, additives and other ingredients that can compromise your dog’s health. Looking at a pet advocacy group website can give you recommendations of the best food for your dog. The higher quality food will benefit your dog profoundly.
The hair around a dog’s paws can easily get matted, and should be trimmed on a regular basis. Comb the tangles out before you start trimming. Go to a professional groomer if you have a hard time doing this yourself.
If your dog gets anxious and lonely when you leave, put some music on before you head out. The noise can help him feel more secure. It could be just what he needs to get over his anxiety while he waits for you to come home.
Exercise is vital when you own a dog. Teach them to do things around the home to help or get a newspaper. The training will challenge him mentally and the affection you show for a job well done will bond him to the family routine.
Know that an animal doesn’t need too many people telling it what to do when it’s being trained. Different people do things different ways, and you can confuse your pup. Designate one person to be in charge of training and have others reinforce everything the dog learns by adhering to the same rules and respecting the process.
Bring your dog to a veterinarian regularly. Your dog needs to see a vet for full check-ups, heartworm blood testing, and for making sure all of their shots are up to date. It’s important to go more often if it’s a pup. It is also important to visit a vet immediately after seeing signs of injury or illness.
If you already own a dog and are getting another one, have the two meet before bringing the new one home. Dogs are quite social, but sometimes two particular dogs just are not compatible with each other. If you find two dogs that can get along, you’ll save yourself some trouble.
As you’ve read, you can get a lot out of dog ownership. It’s even better if you know what you’re doing. The article you just read has given you many valuable ideas to make your experience the best it can be. Put the above tips to use and continue to learn more so that you are able to enjoy your new dog to the fullest.
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