Is there anything about looking after your dog that is troubling you? Being a dog owner can feel overwhelming at times. Some people actually give up and return their dog or take them to a shelter. The tips below give you a lot of suggestions for helping your dog.

It can be quite costly to own a dog. You will have to spend between $700 and $1000 a year to cover food and medical expenses. Emergency care for animals can cost thousands of collars, so think carefully about getting pet health insurance.

TIP! If a dog does something correctly like sitting before you leash them, give them lots of praise and affection. After all, your goal is for your dog to know when it is doing something good.

Your dog can not tell you what is wrong, so just listen to his body language. If your dog is fearful or shy, do not insist that they interact. This might result in another dog or a person being bit. Look for your dog’s non verbal cues and react accordingly.

When vacationing with your dog, use the camera on your phone to snap a quick picture. If he is ever separated from you, it will be easy to show people what he looks like or print out flyers with a recent picture showing that you are looking for him.

When you have medications of any sort, keep them where your dog cannot get to it. Just a few of your pills can be disastrous for the dog, inducing a heart attack or seizure. When your dog happens to get at your meds, call the vet ASAP.

TIP! Don’t get your dog food based on how cheap it is. The cheaper brands actually contain a lot of preservatives, additives and other ingredients that can compromise your dog’s health.

Think about your own lifestyle when considering the dog breed you want. If you like to go out running in the evenings, select a dog that also enjoys vigorous exercise. Likewise if you are quiet home-body, look for a smaller dog that enjoys pampering and living it up on your sofa. Both of you are sure to be happier if you choose a good match.

Reward your dog for doing right things, such as sitting while you place it’s food down, with lots of praise and attention. Let a dog know that their behavior is what you wish to see. It teaches your pup that he will be rewarded for good behavior.

If you are not sure of how much to feed your dog each day, talk to your vet about it. Even though many people stick to the label on the can or package of the dog’s food, sometimes these guidelines might not work for the type of dog that you have. This could lead to your dog becoming obese. Speak with a vet about your dog’s needs and what they should have.

TIP! Daily brushing brings great rewards – much more than just a reduction in shedding. Brushing your dog every day helps its coat become beautiful and shiny.

Don’t buy cheap dog food. Less expensive brands of dog food often contain artificial coloring, additives, preservatives and so on that can be very bad for your dog. Instead, research which brands are considered to be nutritious. Food that is healthy will benefit your dog.

Real Bones

Give your dog rawhide instead of real meat bones. Real bones can chip and become lodged in harmful place such as the digestive tract. Rawhide is a great treat you can use in lieu of real bones.

TIP! If you’re adopting a dog through a local shelter, try scheduling a vet appointment right away. Dogs from pounds are exposed to more illnesses than others.

A dog that spends a lot of time outside should have a warm and safe shelter in case it is needed. If his feet are wet, extreme temperatures can be stressful and bad for his health. A roomy shelter that protects from the windy, rainy, and snowy weather is the best option.

You shouldn’t make your dog do something it doesn’t want to do. If you’re trying to get your dog to eat a new treat and it’s not showing any interest, don’t force them to eat it. When you have a dog, get to know his likes and dislikes.

If you have a dog, your life may be busy. Sometimes, a pet feels like your day job. You should now have the information you need to help you be the best pet owner possible. Before you know it, your worries will be over.

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