Is your dog disobedient? Is your dog a chewer, and just loves chewing on your favorite items without a care in the world? If so, it’s time for you to give your four legged friend proper behavioral training. Take a few minutes to review this article and learn more about being a good dog owner.

Be careful when selecting canine flea treatments. Several have cancer causing ingredients, and they can be especially harmful to young children. Speak with your vet to see if there are any alternatives that are healthier choices for your pet and your family.

Table Scraps

Avoid giving your pup table scraps. Not only will table scraps turn your dog off on their regular food, but it will also teach them to constantly beg. Table scraps are also not nutritionally sound for a dog, and this might mean digestive problems, obesity, and other ailments. Make sure your dog doesn’t hover around your dinner table so it isn’t tempted to eat your food.

Praise your dog when he behaves or performs in the way that you have been training him to. You need to reward good behavior. This will teach your dog that praise comes from good behavior.

TIP! Don’t ever give your dog bones. Giving them actual bones may cause them to fall apart and become lodged in the digestive tract or oral cavity of your dog.

Don’t purchase cheap dog food. Cheap brands usually contain preservatives such as sodium and other additives that can be dangerous for your dog’s health. Find an advocacy group that can provide you with a list of vet recommended foods. This will be very helpful to your dog’s health.

Exercise your dog frequently. Regular exercise and play time promotes the health and happiness of your dog. Throw a ball around the park with your dog and play fetch. It will help you form a much stronger relationship.

Get your new pet a veterinary exam. When you bring them home, schedule a vet appointment. Your vet will provide a full check up and establish vaccination dates. Remember that there is a tremendous dog overpopulation problem, so you should have your dog spayed/neutered.

TIP! It’s important to make sure that your pup’s nails stay trimmed. If they get so long that they start curling under, your dog will probably hurt a lot.

If your vet has given you medication or special instructions for your dog, make sure that you follow them. The dog may hate that cone on its head, but it’s there for a very good reason! Any thing that your vet tells you to do should be done to ensure a healthy dog.

Give your dog plenty of love. As it usually happens, many times owners focus more on bad behavior rather than good ones. This may spell trouble in the future. Instead, make sure you pet or praise your dog five times more often than you scold him. This will make it more likely that your dog will behave well.

Male Dog

TIP! Speak with a vet as soon as possible if you are adopting a dog. Dogs from shelters might have been exposed to viruses or might already be sick.

You need to make sure if your female dog is not fixed and is in heat that she doesn’t come into contact with a male dog so she does not get pregnant. A female’s scent can travel a very long distance. This may cause a fight or impregnation if a male dog spots her.

You want to ensure that all trace of pet accidents are removed when they occur within the home. Make sure that you clean up the mess quickly and thoroughly. If you leave the scent of his excrement behind, the dog may repeatedly soil the same exact area.

When you are finding out what kind of dog you want to get, you might want to introduce the prospective pet to your current pet. This will give them a chance to socialize together. If you manage to find two dogs who are instant best friends, it will make your job of training them to get along that much easier.

TIP! Become acquainted with dog food labels and avoid buying based solely on cost. It is vital to give your dog the best quality food.

When you start training your dog, experiment with different rewards systems. Determine what motivates your dog to obey. If food works best for your dog, reward it with tiny hot dog pieces. If you have a dog that likes toys, let the dog play tug of war after doing what it was told. Quality time spent giving them a good petting can even do the trick.

Gone are the days of bad dog behavior. You don’t need to sit by so you can watch your dog misbehave in public any longer. If you are consistent and competent, you can control your dog’s behavior. Use what you’ve learned and show your dog how to behave.

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