When you go to the pound or a pet store, you may be dreaming of a sweet dog who sleeps with you all night and follows you around all day. What you actually get could be very different. No matter what, you’ll have a dog you must care for and this article can show you how.

Just as you need an annual physical exam, dogs do as well. Your dog is not able to talk, so it is not easy to know when he’s got arthritis or an aching tooth. Annual checkups can catch these things before they become major problems.

TIP! It is important to puppy-proof your home. It should be perfectly safe before you bring a dog in.

Make sure you are using the right flea treatments on your pet dog. A large number of them contain high doses of carcinogens and other hazardous ingredients. Bring up the subject of alternative and family-friendly treatments the next time you see your vet, and always be sure to apply these treatments when no children are present.

Be sure to praise your dog freely and consistently whenever he exhibits a desired behavior. You want to reinforce your dog’s good behaviors. This is called positive reinforcement.

Your dog deserves to have quality dog food. Generally, food that is less expensive is not as healthy for your pet due to preservatives and additives put into the food. Get a list from an animal advocacy or consumer awareness group of the highest recommended foods to give your dog. Your dog will get good benefits from the right kind of food.

TIP! It’s good to give hugs, but avoid giving kisses. Dog kisses are cute, in theory, but understand a dog’s mouth is typically very dirty.

Don’t force your dog to eat something. Some dogs won’t love all treats, and you shouldn’t push your dog to like something. Upon initially bringing a dog into the home, spend some time discovering its likes and dislikes.

Your dog has to be leash trained. He ought to be next to you rather than ahead or behind. He should also respond to the “heel” command. Following this tip can make walking safer for your pet, and it can also make walks more enjoyable for both of you. Your dog needs to get used to this.

If you have a pure bred dog, make sure you educate yourself on what type of problems are “normal” for that breed. Find out what health problems to expect and learn how to prevent those that your dog is prone to developing. Also, talk to your vet about things that can be done to increase the odds for your dog’s breed.

TIP! Dogs can’t talk, so you must learn their body language. If you notice that your dog is timid around strangers or other dogs, you shouldn’t attempt to force its interaction with them.

Even if you seek a pure bred animal, you should not overlook the pound. A lot of dog owners leave their pet at the pound if they do not want them or cannot keep them. Call the pound to see what they have. You may get to save a canine’s life if you do this!

Keep a dog tag on your dog at all times. A breakaway collar that includes an ID tag will ensure the return of your dog if they should wander. Make sure that a current telephone number and the dog’s name are included on the tag. Have you considered micro-chipping your dog?

Stay involved politically for your dog. Keep watch on legislation in your area that may affect your rights as a pet owner. Breed-specific laws are typically the result of media hype. Talk to your local officials on behalf of responsible pet owners worldwide.

TIP! When you’re thinking of taking a dog with you when you travel, snap a photo of the animal with your phone. If he gets lost, you have a recent picture you can immediately access in order to print “lost” flyers.

Don’t think that a dog’s health status can be determined by how its nose feels. Even if your dog is sick, there are different reasons his nose may be wet and cold. Instead, pay attention to how well he is eating and whether or not he seems energetic. You will be able to learn a lot about how your dog might be feeling. You can also take his temperature with a rectal thermometer.

Do you go on many vacations? Are you home infrequently? Should you really get a dog? It is very normal to desire a dog as a pet, but it is hard to be a responsible dog owner.

You should not always use the same rewards when training your dog. You need to figure out what motivates your particular animal. If you are giving treats, try crumbled egg or ground turkey which has been cooked. If your dog is toy driven, short games can be a great reward. You may even find that your dog is best motivated by a little rubdown and affection.

TIP! Ask the vet about how much the dog should eat each day. Dog food packages provide guidelines, but they can be wrong for your particular pet and lead to obesity.

Even outdoor dogs require lots of love and attention. If he is left alone too much, you may see bad habits start to develop. Your dog might also become more aggressive. Provide them lots of playtime and love to maintain their happiness.

Don’t go overboard with what you allow your dog to do. When some people own dogs they give them extra treats and allow them to misbehave. This is very common when dogs are cute little puppies. But, by staying firm on the rules, you can avoid issues. Don’t feed him scraps, let him destroy something of yours or piddle on the floor.

Don’t ignore this great advice that you have available. Use it for all that you do to watch your dog become the dream companion you’ve always wanted. A happy, healthy dog is a dream come true for a family.

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