Are you wondering what you can do to be sure that you’re taking care of your dog properly? A lot of people feel like their dog needs more nutrition. That’s why many people make their own moves. With a little sound advice, (like the tips you’ll find below) treating your dog well is a real breeze.

While it’s great to show your dog affection, you shouldn’t kiss them. A dog has a very filthy mouth. Dogs are always getting into garbage, drink from places like the toilet, and they clean their bodies with their tongues. It’s an old wives tale that your dog’s mouth happens to be cleaner that a human being. This is not the truth!

TIP! It takes quite a bit of money to take good care of a dog. Good quality dog food and medical care can cost between $700-1000 a year.

Just like humans, dogs should go to the vet for a checkup yearly. It can be difficult to know what could be causing your dog pain since they cant talk to you. An annual checkup can help catch such issues before they become a major problem.

Get your dog neutered. This helps reduce the probability of cancer and extends the life of your dog. Also, dogs that get fixed won’t feel the need to wander away so that may mean that they won’t get into accidents like getting hit by a vehicle.

Since dogs cannot talk, you need to learn your dog’s cues. Don’t force interaction with other pets or people if your dog is showing reluctance. One of the animals could become aggressive. Keep an eye out for your dog’s hints, and do what he needs you to do.

TIP! Your dog cannot speak, so you have to interpret non-verbal cues. If when meeting a new dog or person you find your dog is filled with dread, remove him from the situation.

Be wary when it comes to flea treatments. A lot of these medications have ingredients that can be harmful to children and can cause cancer. Talk to a vet about safe alternatives and keep little kids away when applying any flea treatment.

Table Scraps

Try not to give a dog table scraps. This will encourage constant begging and reduce their appetite towards their own food. Table scraps can be bad for his health as well, leading to obesity and digestive disorders. Make your dog stay out of the room when the family is eating.

TIP! If you have medication for you or a family member, be certain your dog cannot reach it. Consuming even a single pill can cause serious health problems or your dog.

If you’re training your dog, don’t just use verbal commands. Try hand signals as well. Using hand gestures can help your dog to recognize commands quicker. Try both ways and see which is best for your dog.

Talk to the vet about which foods you should avoid giving the dog. Sometimes you’ll find that a puppy can’t eat certain brands of foods because it will make their stomach upset. Therefore, ensure you are cautious whenever providing your dog a new food.

Buy or build a dog house if he is going to be outside for long periods in the winter. Your dog could get sick if he is left outside in the cold or if the ground is wet. Protect your dog from wind and precipitation by giving him a shelter that has a dry floor and plenty of space.

TIP! Anti-flea products are dangerous. A lot of them have chemicals that might be bad for kids! Discuss family-friendly alternative flea treatments with your vet.

Make sure that your dog’s nails are trimmed weekly. If they begin to curl under, you dog could experience quite a bit of pain. You can buy clippers in a pet store and do them yourself. If you lack the confidence to attempt this, take the dog to a professional groomer.

Prove to your canine friend that your love for him is true. Most of the time you are paying attention to the very bad things they do and overlooking the good. This could lead to trouble down the line. Try keeping track of how often you praise and scold your pet in a day. For every one negative thing, make sure you say five positive things as well. Your dog will do its best to please you.

Exercise is vital when you own a dog. Teach your dog to get your newspaper as well as other things that are useful in your home. The training will challenge him mentally and the affection you show for a job well done will bond him to the family routine.

Become Pregnant

If you do not want your female dog to become pregnant, be careful with her when she goes into heat. Males can smell a female’s scent from a full five miles away. Your dog could get into fights with other dogs or become pregnant.

Make sure your dog comes back to you by ensuring that they have some form of identification. A common method to make sure your lost dog is returned is to have them wear a breakaway collar with an identification tag. This tag needs to have the dog’s name as well as a way to contact you. The dog could also get a micro-chip implanted in it.

TIP! If your dog behaves properly, be sure it is praised and given affection. This will show that you appreciate what your dog is doing.

When you train your dog, don’t allow your efforts to be diminished by an excess of trainers. Everyone has their own methods, and experiencing a number of them can leave your pooch confused. Have one person train and make everyone else do exactly the same commands during the day.

Your dog will no longer need to eat store-bought bagged dog food from the supermarket. There is more out there available to your dog. Keep this in mind as you set out to meet your pooch’s needs.

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