There is a lot that goes into raising a dog. It’s almost like you have a little kid who barks. Although it’s a big task, having patience and knowledge will help make it easier. Want some advice? Read on.

Hugs are great to give your pets, but kisses are not that great. Dog kisses may be seen as cute, but their mouths aren’t all that clean. You don’t know where your dog’s tongue has been, and you’re better off not knowing. It is an old wives’ tale that dogs have cleaner months than humans. That tidbit of information is plain wrong.

TIP! Take your dog to the vet at least one time a year for checkups. Your dog can’t talk, it might be difficult to find out what is wrong if there is an issue.

Make sure that your dog is spayed or neutered. A neutered dog will live longer and have less risks of developing cancer. They are also more likely to remain close to home, reducing their risk of becoming lost or getting injured by a car or another animal.

Table Scraps

Fight the urge to feed table scraps to your dog. Not only will table scraps turn your dog off on their regular food, but it will also teach them to constantly beg. A dog fed on table scraps will be prone to unhealthy weight gain, disruptive digestive problems, and other health issues. To prevent temptation, have your dog separated from the area you eat in.

TIP! Fight the urge to feed table scraps to your dog. This will encourage constant begging and reduce their appetite towards their own food.

Positive reinforcement is very important in training your dog. This communicates to your dog that he is doing just exactly what you want. This also shows the dog that good behavior will earn praise.

If your dog will be outside, he will need a dog house. Adverse weather conditions can be detrimental to your pooch, causing illnesses, anxiety and poor behaviors. Build a shelter yourself or purchase a kit from the nearest pet store.

Try not to force your dog to eat things. If you’re trying to get your dog to eat a new treat and it’s not showing any interest, don’t force them to eat it. It’s important to take your pets likes and dislikes into consideration and to not push them into anything unnecessary.

TIP! If you’re trying to figure out what type of dog you might want to get, take a look at your lifestyle. Joggers should get a high energy dog, for example.

When you brush your dog every day, you reduce shedding problems and benefit your dog’s health in many ways. Regular brushing encourages a healthy, shining coat. The reason for this is that brushing helps distribute the skin’s oils throughout the coat to condition the fur and skin.

Clip your dog’s nails. If they get so long that they start curling under, your dog will probably hurt a lot. You can purchase clippers and do this at home. If you’d prefer, you can have the groomers trim your pup’s nails.

If you’re going to adopt a new dog from an animal shelter, you need to get a vet appointment scheduled as soon as possible. Shelter dogs may have come into contact with viruses or may be ill already. Giving your dog shots before taking it home will keep everyone healthy.

TIP! If your dog behaves properly, be sure it is praised and given affection. After all, your goal is for your dog to know when it is doing something good.

When it comes to buying food for your dog, don’t skimp by buying the cheap stuff. Long-term, the dog will do much better with nutritious, good quality food. Although you may have to spend more money, you will ensure your dog’s diet is as healthy as possible.

Teach your dog the proper way to walk while on a leash. He should stay by your side, not in front of or behind you, and respond to the command “heel”. Walking in this manner keeps your dog safe, and you are bound to enjoy walks more as well. Even if you still use the loose leash walk at times, helping your dog to understand this command is a good idea.

Those who want to care for dogs should take it seriously. Do the best you can to keep your dog happy and in good shape. You can do it, though! This article should have given you a good understanding of what your pup needs, so it’s time to get started.

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