Having a dog can be among life’s true pleasures, but sometimes, things do not work out that way. To enjoy the time you spend with your pet, you need the right information. Some fantastic dog related tips are contained in this article. Continue with your reading to learn all that you need to know as a responsible dog owner.

Neuter or spay the dog. Research has shown that by doing this you can be sure your pet can have a longer life and not be at risk for things like cancer. Dogs who have been neutered or spayed are also less likely to run or wander away from home.

TIP! You must dog-proof your residence. Prior to bringing the pooch home, check that the whole home is safe.

Your dog cannot communicate through speech; therefore, you must learn its non-verbal language. When dogs seem hesitant upon meeting others, never force an interaction. This could end up in negative biting or fighting behavior. Watch for any of these non-verbal cues and let these guide your actions.

If you have prescription or over-the-counter medication in the house, make sure that your dog does not have access to it. If your dog ingests your medications, it could be fatal. When your dog happens to get at your meds, call the vet ASAP.

Talk to the veterinarian about the proper amount of food for your dog. Even though many people stick to the label on the can or package of the dog’s food, sometimes these guidelines might not work for the type of dog that you have. This could lead to your dog becoming obese. Ask your vet what the right meal plan is for your dog.

TIP! While you can hug your dog, you should avoid kissing your dog. While those sloppy kisses may be cute, be aware that your dog’s mouth is apt to be crawling with germs and bacteria.

Instruct your dog clearly about how to walk with a leash. Your dog should know how to heel and not behind you or ahead of you. Doing this will not only be easier on you, but it will also keep your dog safe. Regardless of how you intend to take your walks, this is a good command for your dog to know.

Listen to your vet when he tells you how to administer medication or care. Your dog likely will not enjoy wearing a cone, but the vet prescribed it for good reason. Your vet makes recommendations that will help your dog be happy and healthy, so you should follow your vet’s advice.

If you have a pure bred dog, make sure you educate yourself on what type of problems are “normal” for that breed. Research the heritage of your pup and learn how to prevent any common problems. Also, seek advice from your vet.

TIP! Just like people need regular yearly physicals, dogs need the same thing. Obviously, dogs don’t speak, so it can be hard to figure out when they’re having problems with their bones or teeth.

Let your dog know that you care about him. Similar to other areas of life, dog owners notice a dog’s bad behavior rather than the good. This can only lead to future difficulties. Dogs need to be praised five times more frequently than scolding. Your dog will more likely showcase proper behavior when you do that.

Make sure you are providing your dog with the opportunity for plenty of physical exercise as well as staying mentally active. Teach him to get the newspaper and do other helpful things around the house. Doing this will help your pet to feel like a loved and needed family member, and teaching your dog these skills will give it some much needed mental exercise.

Be proactive politically for your pet dog. Keep watch on legislation in your area that may affect your rights as a pet owner. Breed-specific laws are typically the result of media hype. Get in touch with administrators and legislators to exercise your rights as a responsible citizen and reliable dog owner.

TIP! Keep table scraps to a minimum. This causes regular begging and will cause him to dislike his food.

Are you aware that vitamins can actually harm dogs? Don’t give a dog extra vitamins. Excessive amounts of some vitamins can harm the bones, joints and blood vessels. Talk with your veterinarian prior to starting a vitamin regimen with your dog.

Do not just think your dog is ok because he has a cold nose. Your dog’s nose can be wet and cold for numerous reasons, even when it’s sick. Instead, focus on his energy level, bathroom habits, appetite and thirst. These are great indicators of how your pooch is really doing. You can also check the temperature rectally.

You have to keep your dog clean, like you clean yourself. While a daily bath might not be the answer, a weekly bath is definitely a good idea. This will allow you to keep your house cleaner, as well as help the dog to have less skin problems.

TIP! You shouldn’t make your dog do something it doesn’t want to do. If you offer him a treat he doesn’t seem to like, do not make him eat it.

A great dog owner is a well educated person. There is much more than just selecting a dog with a cute appearance. You must work at the relationship for it to work. By applying what you have learned from this article, the time you spend with your pet will be made enjoyable.

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