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No matter if you are a current or prospective dog owner, you surely realize all the things dog ownership entails. Do not expect to be a perfect owner right away. The tips presented here will help you be a better owner to your dog.

Your dog needs annual medical exams. It can be difficult to know what could be causing your dog pain since they cant talk to you. Annual checkups can catch issues before they develop into something serious.

TIP! Having a dog at your home is a big financial commitment. You will have to spend between $700 and $1000 a year to cover food and medical expenses.

Your dog cannot communicate through speech; therefore, you must learn its non-verbal language. If your dog is fearful or shy, do not insist that they interact. This can lead to a bad ending for your dog, the other pooch or the other person. Watch out for those non-verbal clues and let your dog guide any actions you perform.

If you have over-the-counter medication or prescription medication in your home, keep it in a place the dog can’t access it. If the dog gets near the pills, then just a few of them could do serious harm and result in a trip to emergency room. Call the vet immediately if you suspect that the dog has swallowed the medication.

Table Scraps

TIP! Make sure your house is free of doggy danger. It is important that you try to foresee any problems your dog might run into prior to bringing him home.

Try not to give a dog table scraps. You will spoil him and his appetite and set up begging behavior. Scraps can be terrible for his diet and lead to obesity and other health problems. Train your dog to sit far away from your dining room so that you and your family won’t be tempted to feed it table scraps.

Avoid letting your dog walk without a leash outside of your property, regardless of how well he behaves. He could easily get spooked by something and run off into harm’s way. You’re responsible for their actions and safety.

Avoid buying your dog bargain-based food. Cheaper brands have tons of additives, preservatives, and ingredients that can harm a dog’s health. Find a list of recommended dog foods from the vet or an advocate for animals. Your dog can really benefit from better food.

TIP! While you can hug your dog, you should avoid kissing your dog. Dogs are prone to tartar build up and cavities just like people.

If your dog has to stay outside during cold weather, give him a dog house. Getting cold or wet can cause your dog to be stressed and can cause health problems. Make certain your dog house has a good floor that keeps your dog up off the ground and dry.

A daily brush will do much more than prevent your dog from constant shedding. It leaves them looking gorgeous, for one thing. When you brush a dog, you are moving the skin’s oils evenly throughout its fur, so it really makes the fur shine and feel great.

When you’re choosing your dog’s food, don’t cut costs by going with the cheapest option. It is best to invest in quality dog food. While this may mean paying higher prices for a premium brand, you can be assured your dog is getting the proper nutrients from wholesome sources.

TIP! Be sure your dog is neutered or spayed. It is a known fact that doing this will lessen the probability of your dog getting cancer.

Dogs need to be exercised physically and mentally in order to stay healthy. Train him to fetch the newspaper and help with other household chore. Your dog will feel useful and like a contributing piece of the family, during the process of sharpening his mental capacity.

If your female dog is in heat be cautious – she could very easily become pregnant. A male is able to smell her from as much as five miles in the distance! Your dog could cause some fights and you will be responsible for finding new homes for the puppies if your dog gets pregnant.

You should remember the quote about too many cooks spoiling the soup while trying to train your dog. Your dog might become confused by different methods, different vocal commands and different ways of offering praise or punishment. Designate one person to be in charge of training and have others reinforce everything the dog learns by adhering to the same rules and respecting the process.

TIP! Don’t give in to the urge to feed your dog food meant for humans. If you feed from the table, he’ll become a beggar and stop eating his own food.

Dogs tend to get cuts and scrapes on their paws from things they step on. Clean any small cuts on your dog with antiseptic, and bandage the area. If the cut seems unusually deep, take your dog to see the veterinarian.

Before adopting a dog, be sure to give the matter careful consideration. It’s a great deal of responsibility, after all. Think about finances, time commitment and your current household situation before making a decision.

Now that you are more educated about your dog’s needs, it should be a breeze to properly take care of him. Love and patience are key to a happy relationship with your dog. Research some more to make sure you will enjoy the company of your furry companion.

Search for a pet sitter to take care of your dogs. If you have a cat or pet dog or other pets who requirea sitter, go through our website and discover the most suitable dog walker for you.

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PETLOVE - Pet Sittings Services

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