Dog ownership is a tradition stretching back hundreds of generations. Humans and dogs are meant to interact and everyone should be glad. However, dog ownership comes with a great responsibility to make sure your pet is happy, healthy and well-cared for. Here you will find some advice that should guide you if you wish to have a healthy dog.

It costs a lot to own a dog. Food, supplies and vet bills can add up to $1,000 or more per year. Emergency care for animals can cost thousands of collars, so think carefully about getting pet health insurance.

TIP! While you can hug your dog, you should avoid kissing your dog. Dog kissing may be adorable, but dogs have awfully dirty mouths.

Make your home suitable for dogs. Make sure any area your dog will be in is safe. Put cleaning supplies and medications away and keep indoor trash inside a cabinet. Since some plants are very harmful because of their toxicity, it’s best to get rid of them or put them in an area that the dog cannot get to.

Hugs are good, but kisses should be avoided. Dog kisses may be seen as cute, but their mouths aren’t all that clean. Dogs will eat their own waste, dine on garbage, and gulp water straight from your toilet. Many people say that dogs have cleaner mouths than people. It simply is not true.

If you decide to take your dog with you on a trip, take a photo of him on your phone. If he gets lost, you have a recent picture you can immediately access in order to print “lost” flyers.

TIP! Make sure that your dog gets neutered. Statistics show that doing this can reduce your dog’s cancer risk, which can result in a longer life span.

Your lifestyle can help determine what dog breed is a good match for you. For instance, if you are athletic, you might want an active dog, not a poodle. If you spend more time in the home, a more sedate, indoor dog will fit your lifestyle best. You and your dog will both be happier if you are a perfect match.

Purchase or construct a dog house if your dog must stay outside when the weather is cold. Your dog could get sick if he is left outside in the cold or if the ground is wet. Keep your dog safe from the elements by providing shelter.

Trim any hair that’s around your pup’s paws so it doesn’t get matted up. Prior to trimming the hair, make sure the hair is straight by using a comb. If you lack the confidence to attempt this, take the dog to a professional groomer.

Local Pound

Even if you are looking for a dog that is a pure breed, always check the local pound. Unfortunately there are many people out there who simply cannot care for their dogs anymore and they end up at the local pound. Just give a quick call to your local humane society to see what breeds they may have available. You can save the life of a dog this way.

When you leave to work, leave music on for your dog just to be nice, or if he has separation anxiety. The sound will help him feel more secure and not as alone. It might help with any anxiety issues.

TIP! Practice your training regimen for your puppy near your home. Training in busy areas with lots of people around should be avoided.

Make sure you exercise both your dog’s mind and its body. Bring him outside and teach him how to fetch. Doing this will help your pet to feel like a loved and needed family member, and teaching your dog these skills will give it some much needed mental exercise.

Any dog accident in your home should be cleaned up immediately. You want to be using a professional grade cleaner along with an efficient odor remover. If your dog can still smell its waste, it may use the bathroom in that spot repeatedly.

When the weather is hot outside, check your dog daily for ticks and fleas. Remove fleas with a special comb. There are lots of products that can help with ticks and fleas. Talk to your veterinarian about such products or any other options that are available.

TIP! Your vet can give you some good advice on what you should feed your dog. A puppy’s stomach may not be able to properly digest certain brands, sometimes causing an adverse reaction.

You must carefully think for a while before getting a dog. It’s one thing to fall head over heels in love with a puppy. It’s another to provide a forever home for a dog. Take the time to consider everything first so that you can be confident that you are capable of managing it all.

You shouldn’t use a chilly, wet nose to gauge your pet’s health. Sick dogs often have cold, wet noses. Pay attention to the amount of energy, type of appetite and the dog’s demeanor. These are the best ways to know how the dog is. You can also check the temperature rectally.

Don’t expect too much from your dog. While training your dog, keep in mind that his attention span is not as great as yours. Train him a little at a time at first to avoid frustration.

TIP! Talk to your vet about how much to feed your dog. Some people refer to the label on the package to determine the quantity of food to feed their dogs, but those guidelines are not always right and using them can cause your dog to become overweight.

You need to take your dog for a walk at least once a day. A dog needs constant exercise, and walking provides it with a chance to interact with new animals and people. This helps him develop mentally and grow as a dog.

As the human, you’re job is to make sure that your dog’s needs are met. This article can help you know what you will need to do to provide the best life for your dog. The tips you have learned here should make you and your dog happy.

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