The domestication of dogs is ancient, predating most of human history. Obviously, humans and dogs were intended to be companions, and both parties are pleased with the arrangement. You, as the person, are responsible for making sure the dog is taken care of well. Here are several tips that will help you keep your dog healthy.

If you’re on any kind of medication, even if it’s over-the-counter, you need to keep it away from your dog. Even if the dog were to eat a couple of pills, it could have very life threatening effects. If your dog gets to your medication, you should call your veterinarian right away.

TIP! Be sure to have your pet spayed or neutered. Studies show that these operations help your dog live longer and can reduce cancer risks.

Use hand signals when training your dog along with verbal commands. Your dog can figure out things easier when they get these signals. Give both methods a shot, and see what your pet prefers.

You need to ask your vet to make sure the food you are feeding them is good. Sometimes you’ll find that a puppy can’t eat certain brands of foods because it will make their stomach upset. Use your vets advice and common sense to feed your dog properly.

You shouldn’t make your dog do something it doesn’t want to do. If you’ve purchased your dog treats that it doesn’t want to eat, set them aside. When you first get a dog, you should take some time to get to know what it likes and what it dislikes.

TIP! Look into the flea treatments. There are ingredients in some of them that can risk cancer in your children.

Dedicate enough time to correcting bad behavior right away. The longer you ignore it, the more difficult it will be to correct it later, and the consequences could be dire. This could lead to huge problems down the road.

You need to trim your dog’s nails regularly. If you neglect your dog’s nails, they will be in discomfort. You can purchase clippers and do this at home. If you’re uncomfortable clipping them on your own, go to a professional groomer. Nail clipping is very affordable.

Take your dog outside so that he can get fresh air and exercise. A dog requires regular exercise and game time; it keeps him healthy and happy, both mentally and physically. From a simple walk to a vigorous game of fetch, both of you will find the time well spent. This will create a great bond with your dog when performing these activities.

TIP! Avoid giving your dog scraps from your table. This can make your dog not want to eat his dog food, and it will promote begging.

Your dog should not be left outside in the yard by himself for the entire day. Yes, people do this too often, but dogs require interactions with people and other dogs for their well-being. If you have a single dog, it may feel lonely outside on its own. Keeping them out for too long also exposes them to the elements, so its best that you bring them inside so they don’t get sick being outside in really bad weather.

Even if you are looking for a dog that is a pure breed, always check the local pound. Some owners leave their dogs, which gives you an opportunity to give them a better life. Call the pound to see what they have. You’ll be saving a life.

Take care with a female dog in heat, unless you want a lot of puppies. A male is able to smell her from as much as five miles in the distance! Also, she can cause a fight between other dogs, as well as become pregnant with unwanted litter from an unknown origin.

TIP! Be sure to show your dog lots of praise and love when they do something good. He needs to understand that this is the right thing to do.

Identification will be great in the event that your dog gets away from you. A collar with identification is a great way to ensure that your dog is found and returned if it happens to get lost. This tag needs to have the dog’s name as well as a way to contact you. Have you considered micro-chipping your dog?

Get into puppy politics. Watch to see if there are any laws passed that affect your situation as the owner of a dog. These legislatures generally arise from specific breeds or random cases of bad instances. Be sure you speak up and let your voice be heard by getting in touch with your local officials. Don’t allow bad apples to interfere with your rights.

A dog should always be brought to the vet for regular checkups. Your dog should see a vet for check-ups, blood tests and to ensure they’re up to date with vaccinations. With a puppy, you will need to visit your vet a little more often. You need to go to the vet as soon as your dog seems sick or hurt.

TIP! Brushing your dog on a daily basis has other benefits aside from the fact that he will shed less fur on your furniture clothing. A daily brush will make their coat radiant and shiny.

When you have a dog, you are going to be responsible for it and will have to meet its needs. When you are aware of what to do, the job becomes easier. This piece will be of help. Just implement a few of these tips into your household plan, and you will see some serious improvements in your dog very quickly.

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